

:: Kalau Comel Click Ler::

Friday, January 28, 2011

..hadapi dengan senyuman, segala yang terjadi akan terjadi...


hey yaaww!!

apa khabar yaaw?

ada sapa2 kat cni yg rasa xbpe nak fine x? 

spe yg rase xbpe nak fine kat cni sila la j0in club saya..


mesti korg tertanya2..apa kejadahnya kelab ini ditubuhkn?

ekceli..arini wa de assessment kat tmpat wa smlm wa xbpe nak praktice c0z smlm kn hari khamis mlm kejadahnye..wa kn blum kawin..???
tp tiap2 khamis mlm jumaat wa msti menziarah pasar mlm dikawasan umah wa tu.. 
besh 0uh pasar malam..
okla..okla..nak dipendekkn citer, wa practice la jgkkn utk assessment tu..
tp di keesokkn harinya, (arinila)
wa sampai2 je mmber kamceng wa dah tegur..
"beb..ak dah tau rahsia ko"
wa yg agak2 kebluran pun cam terpingga2 la kn 
wa pun ckpla pedia?
"cik air mata..cik air mata.." katanya
wa terpinga + blur skali.. 

dlm kepala hotak ni dah mmg setting for assessment manjang
and then "o0whh..."
wa ter'0whh' secara panjang

"kantoi sudey"
(tersenyum sipu)
ada org bace blog wa beb!!

hehe..thanx la beb..terharu 0uh..
tp lg terharu lau u jd follower i..hiks

tp benda tu bknlah faktor penyumbang, or IV (independent variable) 
utk masalah yg wa sedang hadapi ni..
tp assessment tersebut..

wa mmg dah ketaq lutut la kn org utara ckp
then bermula lah sesi assesment..
dah praktis2 ngan partner bagai tbe2 en.S ckp dia akn bahagi kn tugas n ada lg 2 trainer yg akn jd cust. for the role play session..
sorg tu p0mpuan, sorg lg lelaki..
ak pun g la class yg lelaki tu kerana beliau menjanjikan masa dpan yang cerah katanya..


pancar0ba sungguh bersama beliau..


lg sedih time en S bgtau markah kat smeorg and wa found up wa the lowest..

frustrated gler 0uh..

lg la menambahkn wa pnye cuak2 sey nak meneruskan kerjaya wa ni..

mata dah bergenang..

tgk muka org lain terpancar sinar kebahagiaan..

wa plak?

dahla partner dah cabut..

xdok spe nak pad bahu wa..

kata support each other

tp seriusly lau ada org pad bahu wa td..

sure wa dah menangis laju2..huu..

malu, kecewa, sme ada ar..
tp wa ttp c0ntr0l cun..

jmpe en S n tnye ape mslh wa sbnarnye..
n en S pun tolong la wa upgrade markah wa
tp performance wa akn dimonitor..


wa redha

seminggu ni wa gagahkn diri..wa challenge diri wa utk bertahan..
xpela..kte tgula mgu dpan guane plak..

ya Allah..permudahkan la segala2 nya..Aamin

p/s:gagal sekali bukan bermakna gagal untuk selamanya..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the amazing 3 days..wahh!!

thank you for calling TM
farah, speaking..
how may I assist you?



terima kasih kerana menghubungi TM
farah bercakap..
bagaimana boleh saya bantu?


amik kau...

baru 3 hari ak dah boleh ckp macam ni beb..caya x? mulai hari ini saya akan bertutur dengan lebih professional..almaklumla..dah g training for customer service professionals right?? of course kne practice..worse to worse..arini baru jek pas 1 assessment and jumaat ni ada lg satu coming assessment..seriously ak rase cm terkezut-kezutan budaya jgkla smpai xbpe nak absorb sme data yg bertubi2 masuk..huhu..@_@

dr first day lg ak dah mcm cuak2 sey gak la ngan keje ni..byk kali ak tnye..betul ke ak nak keje ni?? boleh ke ak perform ni?? aduhai..sesak dah dada ak teruskan jgk c0z ak rase ada hikmah disebalik semua ini..
first of all..ak rasa ak leh improve ak pnye soft skills kat cni coz mmg ni la tmpatnye!

second of all..dah mmg xde keje redah je la..drpd ddk umah dgr yasmin nyanyi lgu maher zain kuat2 baik ak g menimba ilmu..ececehh....

third of all..third of all..third of all...

rase nye smpai second of all je kot.. 
cik ratu nak g td0 la..
cik ratu dah slalu tdo awal dah skang ni..hehe..


Sunday, January 23, 2011

alhamdulillah..finally, it's a go0d start..(^_^)



hehe..lame lak rase xhapdate cik bl0ggie kte ckit semenjak dua menjak ni...besela..penganggur terhormat of course la bz mencari kerja yang mane patut utk menampung kehidupan keluarga ku ini..muahaha...(sebenarnye ko nak kata menampung kehidupan ko yg ske mghabiskn duit xtentu pasal kn..huhu) 

okla..dah confess akhirnya so nak ckpla yg hari jumaat aritu ak g interview and the go0d news is I've got the j0b!!  in one day je dpt byk sgt berita best..alhamdulillah..syukur ya Allah..isnin ni..means eskla..stat keje kat....




hahaha..mmg cm kongkang la muke mase tu c0z happy sgt dpt tau starting keje kat ctu..kihkih..dah mmg port ak shopping kat ctu..haisshh...mmg la duit gaji xsmpat smpai ada tp..ak dah tekad yang amat..dgr tu!!  TEKAD YANG AMAT bahawa duit gaji yg bakal diterima nnt tidak akan dibazirkn sewenang-wenangnya sehingga tidak smpat smpai ke rumah..huhu..

ok2..apa yg besh masa g interview tu, ak g ngan encek, dia la yg menenangkn ak supaya xnerves sgt..1st time beb nak mintak keje betul2...huhu..encek boyfie ckp..relax ar, interviewer tu manusia gak, mkn nasi je, bkn mkn org pun..hmm..baikla..ak pun uatla mke se'co0l' yg boleh padahal dlm hati dah macam2 surah ak baca..byk stage gak yg kene lepas and smpai la ke peringkat interview..pnye la semalaman ak practice nak ckp pe..and last2 dia uat interview ramai2..fuhh..lega gak ar rase sbb kne describe ttg diri ak je n dia xtanye lak benda yg bukan2...huhu..ptg tu jgk ak dpt tau yg ak dah dpt job tu..owh..sggh cpat~

the next day, ajak encek boyfie teman g jln2 cari pasal n kteorg pun g la cek2kad0ut redb0x + kat pavi..ingtkn dpt la offer yg tahun rabbit tu tp org tu ckp offer tu hanya valid kat redbox ataupun greenb0x je..rexb0x + xde yer cik..huhu..baikla..melepaslah peluang nyanyi kar0ke free..huhu..

macar0ni ni shedap mkn ngan tomato soup tu..noms..noms..(^_^)

pastu kuar awl c0z nak pg byk tmpat lg..nak cri hadiah alep ngan yasmin lg + cri baju kerja..hihihi..dah smpai pening2 cri n lutut encek b0yfie pun nak tercabut katanya..kteorg gerakla g jln tar fule..g dpn semua h0use n d0ngak smpai atas..betul ke ada smpai 18 tingkat ni?? hehe..pas dah puas hati..g haniffa utk mendapatkn n0ugat encek boyfie pastu yeah..balik!!

 muke org lutut sihat..hehe..

mode: happy c0z bilik dah cantik!!!

almari baru ku..sebelum tahcap!
yg amik gmbr tu pun lum tahcap

hehe..ada feeling ghimau2 jambu 0uh!!

loike sgt!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011








mesti rase nak lempang kn..? ekceli saje jek nak bikin saspen2 ker?? 

xpe ar..nak uat cmne...T_T

ehe..k..ckup2..just nak tunjuk gmbar ni je...

next entry lau kte rajin kte terangkan ek...



Friday, January 7, 2011

..kan besh kalau....


kan besh if umah dia dekat jek ngan umah ak...
kalau nak jumpe...jalan kaki jek....

then..kalau malam2 rindu..

dia datang kat umah ak...

ddk dpn tingkap ak...

then balik kapal terbang kertas smpai kene tingkap ak...

balik batu2 kecik ke...

ketuk botol pun boleh gak....


ak pun bkk tingkap

dia pun babai2 sbb dah nampak ak..

dia uat isyarat pakai tangan...

"I miss u..just wanted to say..."

"tito lekl0k ek sayang.."

"love u s0 much"

flying kiss...

I'm giving my flying kiss back...
"Love u to0 sayang.."


"Miss u s0 much"
tgk muka dia lame2 sangat


kan besh kalau dapat rase macam tu...

tp tu sume kalau...

m0de: baru pas nangis tgk cte korea...pastu dgr lagu "menghitung hari" dari salmiah hassan

s0rry guys..

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

yEep..YeEp..wassup d0c..??


hye yaw!! wassup yaw!! hee..senget je tbe2 feeling nigre memalam ni.. ekceli, hari ni kte nak bincang2 pasal arnab..yer..rabbit bahasa 0mputih nye..jadi, memandangkn sy sgt bosan menunggu cte korea buffering pnye la lama xhingat, tp bler tgk kejap jek..(terbakor hati ni!!) maka sy sediakn satu entry berkenaan arnab.. hee.. msti sme cm pelik sbb ape jadahnye secara xsemena2 sy minat binatang plak kn?? 

hokeh2..korg penah x kat umah bler pg kedai sengse ( kedai ubat cina) kalau beli barang pape nnt dia bg kalendar yang kat bawah tu ada letak gmbr binatang2 ikut tahun?? haa..msti penah kn, klu korg xdpt pun kalendar tu kat kdai sengse, msti korg dpt kat tmpat lain..hee..klu kat umah, kteorg anak beranak msti cm jakun tgk tahun kelahiran masing2 then matchkn dgn gmbr binatang2 tu..mcm mak, tahun kambing..alep, tahun kuda..amir, tahun hanjj****...ak, abah ngan is tahun arnab c0mel!! (tbe je nak letak perkataan comel tu kat belakang kn..) dan budak kicik..yasmin..tahun tikus(patutla ske menyenglongkar..huu) dah lepas dpt tahu binatang ape yg represent masing2, mulalah sesi kutuk-mengutuk..hehehe..mcm ni ar kn family ak..(--")

okla..skang dah tau kn npe sgt eksited sediakn entry ni..hehe..btw, ni bknla kepercayaan kte sebagai umat islam tp saje untuk pengetahuan dan sekadar suke dan hiburan semata2...tidak ada kene mengena dgn yang hidup ataupun yg dah mati..let's cekad0ut the feng shui ab0ut the year of rabbit..o0 yeAh!!

p/s: ak c0py n paste je sme maklumat kat bwh ni dkt cni...

02/03/2011 - 01/22/2012 (Metal)

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2011 is the Year of the Rabbit, which begins on February 3, 2011 and ends on January 22, 2012.  The Rabbit is the fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 animals signs.  The Rabbit is a lucky sign.  Rabbits are private individuals and a bit introverted.  People born in the Year of the Rabbit are reasonably friendly individuals who enjoy the company of a group of good friends.  They are good teachers, counselors and communicators, but also need their own space. 
*ada yang mane2 ak highlight tu maknenye ak setuju beben0r la tu..teehee..

According to Chinese tradition, the Rabbit brings a year in which you can catch your breath and calm your nerves.  It is a time for negotiation.  Don't try to force issues, because if you do you will ultimately fail.  To gain the greatest benefits from this time, focus on home, family, security, diplomacy, and your relationships with women and children.   Make it a goal to create a safe, peaceful lifestyle, so you will be able to calmly deal with any problem that may arise.

The Sign of the Rabbit

People born in the Year of the Rabbit share certain characteristics:  Keen, wise, fragile, tranquil, serene, considerate, fashionable, and kind.  Generally, they are quite calm, do not exhibit aggressive behavior, and will avoid confrontation at all costs.  When angry about something, they will approach it calmly and considerately, hardly ever raising their voice.  And they are quite keen and pay close attention to the situations developing around them.  They are intelligent and quick, and can talk themselves in or out of most situations with no problem.

The Rabbit is a symbol for mercy, elegance, and worship of beauty.  People born in the Year of the Rabbit are kind, loving persons, and dislike any hostile act*.  They give others an impression of being frail-looking because of their gentle appearance.  But, in fact they are strong-minded and have strong wills.  They pursue their ideals all their lives in a precise and orderly way.  They do things slowly and deliberately because of their cautious characters*. 
*saya setuju tuan hakim..hikhik..

There is no need to worry about their lives.  They are nimble, clever and good at avoiding harm to themselves. They are talented and like artistic ventures, such as painting and music and are generally quite present in these worlds.  They are also very hospitable, good hosts and warm-hearted companions.  They never embrace others in public places.  They know the art of saving face and giving consideration to the interests of both sides.

People born in the Year of the Rabbit are apt to be sensitive to ailments and to have bad allergies.  Stress or conflict will detriment their health.  Exercise could take off unnecessary stress and strengthen their physical condition.  They have to learn to incorporate more action into their everyday routines.  
*yang ni lagi satu ak setuju ouh..ak sng kene sakit..uhuu..T_T

They will become depressed and withdrawn if their homes do not consist of beautiful possessions that make them comfortable.  Their homes and offices usually are clutter-free.  They have really good communication skills and are best utilized in positions of management. (really huh...0.o?)
They make great teachers and counselors because they are so diplomatic and well-organized.  They can also make great painters or musicians due to their sense of beauty and their love of creativity.

Rabbit people are usually relatively careful when it comes to their finances.  They use much of their money for possessions such as their homes, cars or furniture.  They love hunting for antiques, arts and crafts and will tend to make sound investments in these types of things.

Rabbit Years:  01/29/1903 to 02/15/1904 (Water), 02/14/1915 to 02/02/1916 (Wood), 02/02/1927 to 01/22/1928 (Fire),  02/19/1939 to 02/07/1940 (Earth),  02/06/1951 to 01/26/1952 (Metal),  01/25/1963 to 02/12/1964 (Water),  02/11/1975 to 01/30/1976 (Wood),  01/29/1987 to 02/16/1988 (Fire),  02/16/1999 to 02/04/2000 (Earth),  02/03/2011 to 01/22/2012 (Metal).

Famous Rabbit PeopleAngelina Jolie, Anjelica Huston, Drew Barrymore, Farah Umaina Fajar Kareem (really femes this one..0.o) , Edith Piaf, Fanny Brice, Helen Hunt, Jane Seymour, Joan Crawford, Kate Winslet, Natasha Richardson, and Tina Turner.

dan sekiranya saya adalah rabbit, maka jelmaan saya akan jadi seperti ini...








Uuuu..seekor rabbit yang hawt!!

so if u guys also in a rabbit year..u are so....
